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Member Review Penalty
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on abuse of
Member Review

   Ecu Penalty:
Your rogue review can make you forfeit 200 ecus.

What is a Rogue Review?
You can write a sincere negative review about a local business, its listings and other related topics. However if you write reviews that are:

  1. unintelligible, obscene, or in utter bad English
  2. intentionally false
  3. defamatory in nature
  4. unrelated to the topic at hand
  5. spammy, or duplicated from previous reviews
  6. contrarian to the community norm
  7. illegal based on existing laws
your review is deemed as rogue.

How is a Rogue Review detected?
Most local businesses monitor their review forums and will alert us when they see rogue reviews. Rogue reviews are also reported to us by the general public and Vibary members when they read through the forums. Our automatic tools are constantly updated to find rogue listings and proactively suppress them. Lastly rogue reviews are also detected by our Vibary staff in the course of maintaining the Vibary sites.

How is a detected Rogue Review handled?
If you do not have a history of submitting rogue reviews, your rogue review will be simply removed, and you will receive a notice from us so that you will be aware of the cause of the removal. If you have a history of rogue reviews, each rogue review will be removed and you will forfeit 200 ecus for each removal.

What is the consequence of a forfeiture?
Each forfeiture decreases the ecu balance in your Ecu Chest. Once the balance becomes negative, you cannot publish any more reviews. To regain your publishing privilege, you can check the Ecu Rewards programs for ways to replenish your Ecu Chest. For example, you can write compliant reviews.

Can you contest a removal?
All removals are final. Your only recourse is rewrite your review in compliance.

Can you contest a forfeiture?
All forfeitures are final. You can write more compliant reviews to regain the forfeited ecus.

Web Deals:
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03/03: CheapOair - Special Deals at CheapOair
03/03: Clipp.com - Special Deals at Clipp.com
03/03: Expedia - Special Deals at Expedia
03/03: Hanes.com - Special Deals at Hanes.com
03/03: Sharper Image - Special Deals at Sharper Image

ZAGG + mophie - Special Deals at ZAGG + mophie
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