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  Channel Finance » Loans:Last update: 11/01/06

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Be a Microfinancier, just like Mr. Muhammad Yunus who won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. Support wothwhile micro-projects in your area or in the world through your money gifts, no-interest loans, or even interest-bearing loans.
Money Gifts
Money Gifts:
Fund A Chicago Classroom Project
"Donors Choose is a simple way to provide students in need with resources that our public schools often lack. At this not-for-profit web site, teachers submit project proposals for materials or experiences their students need to learn. These ideas become classroom reality when concerned individuals, whom we call Citizen Philanthropists, choose projects to fund."
-- From Donors Choose
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Money Gifts:
Find Local Donors In Your Community
Find other donors in your state who have contributed to this charity, the "one and only licensed charity in North America serving otherwise self-sufficient individuals and families who find themselves in temporary financial distress".
-- From Modest Needs
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Money Gifts:
Fund A Wordly Project In North America
"At GlobalGiving, you can learn about and fund locally-run social and environmental projects from around the world. All donations are tax-deductible."
-- From GlobalGiving
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No-Interest Loans
No-Interest Loans:
Kiva Microfunds
You can help needy entrepreneurs throughout the world by lending them money with no interest. Read about PBS Frontline's documentary on Kiva.
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Interest Loans
Interest Loans:
Prosper Marketplace
Read the stories of people in need, and offer to lend them money with a proposed interest rate.
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