| Buffalo Grove and Neighboring |
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Hello Buffalo Grove! You were named for Buffalo Creek,
which was itself named for bison bones found in the area.
Buffalo Grove straddles both Cook County and Lake County. |
Bufalo Grove and Regional
State and National
Community Agencies
Last update: 04/18/20 | 

 | | Services | | Services: Public Services In Buffalo Grove
Last update: 08/24/16 | 

 | | Facts & Figures | | Facts & Figures: More About Buffalo Grove
Last update: 04/24/20 | 

 | | History | |  | History: History of Buffalo GroveFrom LiquiSearch:
" The origin of the name "Buffalo Grove" is uncertain, but the traditional account is: "When the English, French, and Pottawatomi Indians were ranging through northeastern Illinois, so were the buffalo."
Also from the 2018 village archive:
"The very first pioneers to come to the Buffalo Grove area came from New England around 1834, and stayed for about five years. Many of them had received land grants from the government, and came to settle on their frontier property..." -- From more about Village of Buffalo Grove Last update: 04/15/20 |

 | | | History: History of Vernon Township From the 2017 township archive:
" It was in the spring of 1833 that Captain Daniel Wright settled in Vernon Township. He is noted as the first white settler in Lake County. Prior to that, the only white men were trappers and traders passing through the area..." -- From Vernon Township Last update: 04/24/20 | 

 | | | History: History of Lake County " In the early 1830's, the land that would become Lake County was mostly undeveloped prairie, dotted intermittently with little villages and farming communities of the native Potawatomi..." -- From Lake County Last update: 04/24/20 | 

 | | | History: History of Cook County" Cook County was created on January 15, 1831, ... and was named after Daniel Cook, one of the earliest and youngest statesmen in Illinois history..." -- From more about Cook County Last update: 04/24/20 | 

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