Vibary Services
Good Causes
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You can find Good Causes listings by browsing pre-defined collections that Sweepey has made for you.
It may take Sweepey up to 24 hours to build all the collections.
- Browse By Type
- Browse By Mall
- Browse New Listings
- Browse All Providers
- Browse All Categories
- Browse All Channels
Sweepey builds collections for the Vibary locale, neighboring locales, and the metropolitan locale.
If you don't find listings in a locale, select the next locale with a wider coverage.
- Browse By Type
- Every 24 hours, Sweepey collects Good Causes listings by the following types:
- Charity - charitable and philanthropic causes
- Donation - blood drives, tissue and organ donations
- Environment - recyling and other green initiatives
- Fundraising - solicitations for support for a good cause
- Observance - activities related to public or religious holidays
- Petition - local, state and national issues
- Rally - political, commemorative and supportive rallies
- Scholarship - college grant, tuition and job training support
- Other - any other type not covered above
The type of a Good Causes listing is selected by the owner of the listing when it
is being created on the Vibary Network for Business.
At any time, the owner can change the type of a listing after it has been created. It may
take Sweepey up to 24 hours to catch up with such changes.
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- Browse By Mall | Run now
- Every 24 hours, Sweepey collects Good Causes listings from businesses who are associated with
the local shopping centers in your area.
If you see a merchant supporting a good cause but is not listed on the Vibary Network, please
Contact us so that we can invite the merchant to join the Vibary Network.
- Browse New Listings | Run now
- Every 24 hours Sweepey will compile the list of the 100 most recent Good Causes listings
since the last compilation.
- Browse All Providers | Run now
- Every 24 hours Sweepey will compile the list of all owners of Good Causes listings,
sorted alphabetically by the Provider field.
The Provider field may be different than the name of the business that creates
the listings. The Vibary local listing engine allows a business
to use a variation of its name or even a different name in the Provider field
when creating Good Causes listings.
You use the Browse All Providers facility to see who has Good Causes listings
within your community or metropolitan area. If you need to look up
a certain business, it may be better to use the
Search By Provider to get direct and
up-to-date results.
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- Browse All Categories | Run now
- All FingerWalk Yellow Pages categories are listed on this page
for selection. When a category is selected, the resulting page will show all Good Causes
listings that are related to that category.
The FingerWalk category a Good Causes listing is related to is chosen by the owner of the listing when it
is being created on the The Vibary Network for Business.
By default, this is the same category as the owner's Vibary Information Provider
business account. However the business owner may pick a different category that is more meaningful to
the good cause. For example a restaurant business that creates a Good Causes listing in support of
the literacy campaign of the local library may relate its listing to the Library
category instead of to the Restaurants.
Due to the nature of Good Causes listings, some FingerWalk categories will have many listings
while others may not have any.
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- Browse All Channels | Run now
- All lifestyle channels are listed on this page for selection.
When a channel is selected, the resulting page will show all Good Causes
listings that are related to that channel.
A lifestyle channel is a grouping of likewise FingerWalk categories. While there is a large number
of categories, there is a limited number of channels to channel your interests.
The lifestyle channels a Good Causes listing is related to is chosen by the owner of the listing when it
is being created on the The Vibary Network for Business.
Each listing can be related with more than one lifestyle channel.
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